Blog / Customer payment management
Customer payment management
We’re making a few changes to the payments UI on Swell. These improvements make it easier to manage and use different payment methods with orders and customers.

When creating an order, you’ll now notice that payment methods are separated into two sections, Credit cards and Other payment methods. Previously, all methods were grouped together, preventing seeing credit cards until that was selected as a method. All credit cards attached to the customer are now immediately visible. We’re making this change as credit cards are the most popular payment method for Swell merchants. You can also now update a credit card’s expiration date.
Billing addresses
We’ve also improved the management of billing addresses, making it easier to create and manage them in our dashboard. We recently released a feature that allows you to create and manage multiple customer addresses. Instead of having to write a billing address each time, you can now select one from the list of customer addresses on file. You’re also able to create new ones or choose to not include one at all. This functionality is available when working with all payment method types.
For credit cards, the billing address is connected directly to the card. You can add, edit, or remove them when creating or editing a card. For other payment methods, a billing address can be set by choosing any of the methods and selecting or creating an address using the dropdown.

In the customer sidebar when viewing an order in the merchant dashboard, you’ll see that we have now combined payment method and billing address. This is section is simply called Billing. We did this to address feedback that it wasn’t clear how to update or change a billing address on an order or subscription. On the customer page, Card on file has been updated to Credit cards and displays the number of cards attached to the customer.

We hope these changes improve your experience with Swell and we look forward to your feedback.
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